Friday, June 11, 2010

Amazing Cookies, Fantastic Girlfriends, One Sweet Day.

It’s no secret that I have a mega blog crush on Joy the Baker. She is witty, hysterical, and I want to eat every single thing she posts. But why the heck would I bake dozens of cookies or big ol’ cakes just for little ol’ moi? Well, today was my day. Dulce De Leche Sandwich Cookies here I come! 

My bestest bestie is visiting from Atlanta and we went out for a lovely day on “The Minnow” which is the baddest pontoon boat in the Metro West. I was asked to bring a sweet treat. I had a boat load of ladies to feed.  Literally.  This was my chance to bake! 

The recipe is super simple. My only concern was whether I would be able to find Dulce De Leche by the jar. I walked into Whole Foods, my Mecca, and there it was near the peanut butter.

Joy’s post is fantastic, so I will just offer a few notes from my experience.

This recipe will not disappoint. Satisfaction guaranteed.

• When I read “Spoon the dough onto the lined baking sheets using a heaping teaspoon of dough” I didn’t believe it. It seemed way too small, so I used more like a tablespoon. Joy was right. These suckers spread. A teaspoon is the way to go.

• When at the store, I looked at the jar of dulce de leche and wondered if one jar would be enough for the dough and filling 30 sandwich cookies. It seemed doubtful, so I bought two. Best thing I did all day. One wouldn’t have been nearly enough.

• A sprinkle of sea salt should be required, not suggested. Skipping this step should be punishable by incarceration. It’s delicious. It’s addictive. It’s borderline magical.

• What could possibly make these cookies even better? Nutella. I would eat Nutella on dog food.  I brought it with pretzel rods as another snack, but slather it on top of one of these cookies, add a spattering of sea salt, and let the sugar coma ensue.

• Pick the seat next to your friend who has the strongest affinity for sugar, and who is the least likely to judge you when you begin a marathon binge session on these little gems. If you are as lucky as I am, you have a friend like my Rebecca who will not only hold your drink while you slather Nutella, but repeatedly suggest that the two of you share just one more. Love you Beezie.

I can't say enough about these cookies.  It's definitely my new go to.  Simple enough, delicious for days, and another excuse to drive home and spend some time with my mom while hijacking her Kitchen Aid.  It was kind of fun to offer her the beater to lick when I was done.  I remember waiting around the kitchen as a kid counting down the seconds until she gave me that chance.  Plus I got an amazing mom-ism.  "Cookie dough tastes so good because of the raw eggs".  So poo-poo to those who are afraid.  It's cookie dough.  Raw, cooked, whatever.  Count me in!

Ahhhh... Dulce Vida.

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